The Billionaire's Club!
The title Billionaire Club does not refer to the billionaires mentioned in the Forbes list of Billionaires. It is a name of an extended pub or nightclub in New Delhi. While the prices of everything is...
View ArticleGardening and living!
Gardening as a subject and as a hobby happens to be least popular. May be too plebeian. It also requires a regular commitment. Living in apartments amidst an ocean of polluting fumes, eclipsed in the...
View ArticleTraveling to India: How to greet people?
India is a part of global village. While it is a country and almost a nation, it is a place of diversity in all respect. The crucial problem is greeting on first meeting. How do we greet each other....
View ArticleTime to party and time to torture the body!
It is a marriage season in India. ‘Season’ because majority of Hindu population fixes marriage dates according to astrology. As it happens good days are always clustered. Some days there are so many...
View ArticleDon’t die young!
Every death creates short term turmoil. Eventually all is settled. But young death creates many problems. We do not live with freedom to die. Though it is a paradox but this very lack of this freedom...
View ArticleSuicider: Please wait; Give one moment please?
Suicide is the strongest and last disapproval of life. It is all over the news that debonair Minister’s wife died in mysterious circumstances. How Sunanda Pushkar wife of Minister Shashi Tharoor died...
View ArticleWant to become a lawyer?
First advise to an aspiring intern lawyer. The act of Lawyer The world is a theatre and it is not a mere euphemism from Bard. Wherever we go, we profile others in certain image and as per popular...
View ArticleIndividualism and free society
“Despite romantic rhetoric, freedom cannot be absolute. To argue for total choice (a meaningless concept) or total individuality is to argue against any for of community or society altogether. If each...
View ArticleWhen Umbrella becomes the closest relative
It appears that clouds and rain had a date with sun. It started with heavy rain which was more of a deluge. We had to take the dots out of emergency water exits. It started a little after 5, with sun...
View ArticleHappy Independence Day, 2015
Meaning of independence! What is the meaning of independence? Independence is being self-sufficient but it is certainly not isolation. Independence is also not a fear of dependence. It is the...
View ArticleThe Billionaire’s Club!
The title Billionaire Club does not refer to the billionaires mentioned in the Forbes list of Billionaires. It is a name of an extended pub or nightclub in New Delhi. While the prices of everything is...
View ArticleGardening and living!
Gardening as a subject and as a hobby happens to be least popular. May be too plebeian. It also requires a regular commitment. Living in apartments amidst an ocean of polluting fumes, eclipsed in the...
View ArticleTraveling to India: How to greet people?
India is a part of global village. While it is a country and almost a nation, it is a place of diversity in all respect. The crucial problem is greeting on first meeting. How do we greet each other....
View ArticleTime to party and time to torture the body!
It is a marriage season in India. ‘Season’ because majority of Hindu population fixes marriage dates according to astrology. As it happens good days are always clustered. Some days there are so many...
View ArticleDon't die young!
Every death creates short term turmoil. Eventually all is settled. But young death creates many problems. We do not live with freedom to die. Though it is a paradox but this very lack of this freedom...
View ArticleSuicider: Please wait; Give one moment please?
Suicide is the strongest and last disapproval of life. It is all over the news that debonair Minister’s wife died in mysterious circumstances. How Sunanda Pushkar wife of Minister Shashi Tharoor died...
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